Thursday, May 21, 2009

You would think Frank had his wisdom tooth pulled!

Susan writes:

Good morning everyone!

Report is Frank did great thru the night without any problems, the only down side is Gina (nurse of the day) said he did not sleep. That is probably from some of the medication he is on and that she is starting to remove some of the drips and lines to him. He sounds great and can't wait to get my computer and get on the Internet, which will probably be later today.

My Aunt Beverly, Johniann (Frank sister), my Mom and Dad are leaving today. Frank just called and the first thing he said is that he has not slept a wink and is very jittery. Oh and this is a good one... he requested a pain pill, and told me that he has decided that they are very helpful ( can you imagine that, since he only had his tooth pulled the other day) that Frank for you!

I think I was on hold for about 30 second listen to him question everything Gina the nurse was doing, he told her in the end ... that she could do it her way, let it ripe. I just read him this last sentence (typing as I was talking to him) and his reply was... well the other nurse was doing it another way and I wanted to know why, "nothing is going to slide by Frank"! He's amazing!

I will let you know if they move him today out of ICU to the step down unit later on.

Before I sign off, I just received a call ... and the person on the other line asked me... "but, how are you doing, Susan" my reply... "Great, Frank is making this so easy for me"!

Bye x0x0, I'm on my way over to see him...


  1. Good Morning Frank/Susan/Rudy/All ---
    I am so relieved that Frank had a good night!!! Eventhough it sounds like Frank didn't get much "shut eye"...hope everyone else was able to get some rest. Frank -- Hang in there buddy.....we're all praying for you ...!!!!!

  2. Frank,

    We have never met. My name is Glenn, I am a coworker of Ken Steeples. His wife is a co-worker of yours. I received my heart 13 months ago. I cannot tell you how good you are going to feel. I know the prednisone is making you shake, keeping you awake and driving up your blood sugar. But in just a few days, all of the needles and tubes will be removed, and you will walk out of the Hospital a new man. The scars will heal, and you will be able to eat taco bell, go for long walks, ride a bike,play with your children and live a long life with your wife. I pray your wife is patient with you until you are off of prednisone. (You will not be the most pleasant person some times)Trust me the first 2-3 months are the hardest, but it is worth it! I am free to run , lift weights and do the things I enjoy and soon you will too!

    Good Luck, God Bless you and may God Bless our donors!

  3. Sorry guys, this is long, you know how I like to talk!
    Wow Frank, I kept telling myself that I would write as soon as the shock wore off...I have come to the decision that that is not going to happen for a very long time! Not until we get to scuba dive and snow ski and maybe have a margarita together and on and on and on. I told Susan in April(while we were in Breckenridge) that it was my goal to snow ski with you soon and I can't tell you how much I am now looking forward to that now.
    Frank, this is the ultimate!!! No more Band-Aids! You have a new heart! I keep telling myself that over and over. I told Tara last night that yesterday was the best day of my life. Even over the day I found out I was pregnant with Baron(and you know what a process that was). We were laughing about how we were telling people that didn't even have a clue who you were. Tara bought a car and she told them that she didn't care what they did, that this day couldn't get any better(lucky them!!!)
    I hope you are not overwhelmed by how many people are responding to this's amazing how many lives that you have touched. The one from Glenn above is awesome!
    I know that it is going to be hard for all of us to give you your space in your recovery, you have a long road ahead, but at least the road is going uphill instead of downhill like it has been the last few years.
    The last time I talked to you, you told me you had a "big hole in your stomach" just a few hours before you went into surgery, I must tell you that I did to. I promptly shut my cell phone and bawled like a baby. I had to go into my neighbors yard and try to get Baron(who was hanging) off their monkey bars and they were outside-what a sight I was!
    You know I am going to want ALL the details one of these days when you are up for it, so take copious notes. I would be doing the exact same thing about the food thing, I totally understand!
    If you want to know how to pay all of us back for the prayers, let us help out in any way possible. I mean it!
    I am continuing to pray for your recovery and the days and nights ahead, I am so thankful for what all has transpired this week.

  4. What a blessing this is. We are so grateful that Frank has his new heart and is doing so good. Frank, Susan, Rudy and Carl, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Hope to see Frank home and out in the yard soon.

    The Sandridges

  5. Hey there -

    I’ve never known anyone to go through a heart transplant, so I had no idea what to expect. However, the speed in which you received the heart, your good response to the surgery and your possibility of moving to a step down unit today almost beat my recovery just from a simple back surgery. Not at all what I expected. Way to go!

    Frank, I LOVE the tattoo idea honoring your donor! Maybe an Angel? Or a Rose Petal? Eric and I talked last night and reminded each other that we both want to be donors. What a wonderful gift to leave behind, we only worry now if there will be anything worth donating once we are done with our aging, beat up, bodies.

    Frank, you’re probably already doing this, but keep a journal. I cracked up when I read the one my Mom wrote for me when I was in the hospital. Meds make you say some pretty crazy stuff.

    Susan, Steph’s got your work covered and Nicole and I are doing okay this week. Would have been loads more fun with you, but we’re getting it done. No worries.

    I think about you two often, can’t wait to read more positive letters. Keep ‘em coming.

    Love, Dawn

  6. To Glen, dear glen I would love to talk to you one on one I have so many questions that only you could anser. I belive I have heard your story from Pat at the KU rescource center. please call soon. 816 824 5246
