Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Update from Doctor Nader Moazami

Written by Susan and Johniann...
The doctor has come out and the transplant is complete. He said all went well and as expected. Frank received 1 or 2 units of blood but the doctor said this was normal. The doctor said the heart Frank received was young and strong (God Bless this person). The doctor said he could possibly have bleeding but if so, they will take care of it. They will keep Frank completely sedated all night, and will let us go in later, we have not seen him yet.


  1. Susan,
    I can't believe this has really come to pass, I am putting Frank and you on my prayer list. I will be thinking about both of you and praying that he grows stronger everyday. A new lease on life for both of you.
    Take care,
    Susan Parker (Kissick)

  2. Congratulations and hope that you are feeling better soon. We are all rooting for you here!!
    Stephanie, RN Mid America Cardiology

  3. Susan & Family -

    We are so grateful that Frank received a healthy new heart this morning amd that surgery was successful! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! We will continue to lift your entire family up and the family of
    the donor that's loved one that has given Frank a better quality of life in the future.
    We love you and are grateful for your friendship! Shelly and Brandon Finley and Family

  4. Susan, Frank and family - my thoughts and prayers are with you. Technology is amazing and a miracle. I am so happy for you. Joe Mortallaro
