Thursday, May 21, 2009

To Our Daughter Molly and Best Friend Morgan

Mommy and Daddy writes...

Hope you are having fun hanging out with your bfff! We miss you, don't get to happy with your new digs because you are coming home to us.

Tell your step-mom MINDY, that we thank her from the bottom of Frank's new heart and the top of Susan old one.


  1. TOTALLY Morgan's doing!!!
    All I heard was "Mommy ook" (translates to "mommy look") and a bunch of giggles!!

    They are having fun!

    We are all very excited Frankie is doing SO well!!! HOW amazing is this whole thing?!?! And it could not have happened to a more deserving person and family!!! We love you to you soon.

  2. Hi Molly and Morgan,

    What games are you playing these days?
    Are you going to be ready to come home after being so spoiled from Morgan?
    Morgan are you still hand feeding Molly's food one keeble at a time?
    Gone for anymore walks lately, Mindy? If so make sure you get a picture of that fiasco.

    Love, Mom and Dad

    P.S. Hope we are heading home soon.
