Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 4 of Recovery

Frank writes; Susan types;

Good Evening

I think I need to rethink my expectations. I have found that while sitting my energy level seems to be fine for talking on the phone or using my computer. But any physical output is really felt. it seems that just standing will zap my strength and I'm left feeling completely useless (sleeping). I realize there is new sheriff in town Mr. Heart and the old gang; Kidney, Liver and Mrs Lungs need time to get acquainted(sleeping).

Frank is still in disbelief about his Heart Transplant, he keeps forgetting that his new heart does not need a back up! (sleeping)

Today, Frank had some friends from KC stop by while they were in town. He also had his final wires pulled today and he is tube free (totally unattached), and can shower today! Yeah!!

Sleeping, Sleeping, Sleeping until tomorrow!


  1. Hi Frank,
    It was good talking to you today and tonight. You have been thru more than major surgery beyond that so even though your new heart is working great you stamina from what you have been thu will take time to increase. Cathy Brammer called me tonight asking about you and she is so happy and amazed with your news. Take care and call me when you have time. I am glad Vincent got ahold of you as he has been calling and texting me for updates. Since he is on his road trip he is not on his laptop to sign on. Love Johniann

  2. Frank and Susan, you've been in my prayers since I got the text from Mindy that you were heading out of town. What a miracle!!!

    The example you two have set for so many about marriage, having fun together, being parents, will be expanded to recovering and blossoming after this surgery.

    Hold tight to each other and those boys! We're thinking of you!

  3. Frank,

    Happy shower day!! I bet this will be the best shower you've ever taken (alone). : ) Sooo glad to hear that you are doing SO well. Understand that you aren't ready for a marathon, but the fact that you are out of bed is amazing!! I'm sure you will get stronger everyday as your new heart comes into harmony with the rest of you.

    With this 50,000 mile overhaul you will out live all of us!! You can start making plans for your old age while you've got some time on your hands! Enjoy that shower and your "tube free" life!

    Love to you and Susan, both. Hope she is finally getting some rest and breathing a little easier. I'm sure if you are fine, she will feel fine. You take care -- Kris M.

  4. Frank

    Congratulations on your new heart. My name is Randy Davis and your cousin Joe is one of my best friends. He told me about your situation. I had a liver transplant 3 months ago. I will keep you in my prayers and I am so grateful that we both have a second chance at life. I have friends that have have had every organ translant you can have. It has really helped me talking to them. If I can help in any way please contact me. Remember that recovery is a proces,so be good to youeself and take it easy.

    Randy Davis

  5. Hi Randy. Thanks for contacting me through Joe. I'm looking forward to meeting you and talking about your recovery.


  6. Hey Frank-0-
    We will be gathering at Kathy's today and doing a bbq- with Italian mogue chicken and ahi tuna on the grill. We will be thinking of you all today! We love you guys and praying that each day is better and better! We know it will be - you wouldn't have it any other way! :) :)
    Love to all - Patti

  7. Happy Sunday to Frankie and Suzie Q. I wake up thinking about you guys and go to bed at night thinking about you guys. Like so many other, wer'e all thinking of you. Hope today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today.
    Love ya both
    Frank M

  8. Frank and Susan
    WOW!! Congratulations on your new lease on life. We were very excited for your family the minute we heard you were heading to the hospital. And we said an immediate prayer. GOD IS GOOD!!!! Good luck on your recovery and you guys are continually in our prayers. Hope to see you when you get back to KC.
    Rocky and Laurie M.

  9. Hey Frank! A blast from your past here! I retired from the national guard in 2006 and now this old war horse (still living in Florida) is looking for a new war to fight! Heard about your heart transplant and thought I would let you know you are in my prayers and thoughts. "Never give up" "The only easy day was yesterday" Love ya man! Gene F.
