Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We're back to updates on Frank!

Susan writes...

Sorry for the delay mama and family needed a little sleep, so after the doc came to see us at 3:20am, then Dave (nurse) came to get us later to see Frank in his room (9), Dave thought maybe he might hear us or reponsed thru movement, but Frankie was deep into sleep, his color looked good, Dave told us he might look a little swollen, but me I saw nothing but my Frankie, we all love!

We all left and head back to are glorious waiting room the rest of the night. It was pretty comical, of course there is the regulars the one that have "Marked" their grounds "Stay away from my sofa and or space". All of you that know me you know I don't know "no" space, I go anywhere, but I was good. Rudy found his spot on the floor next to the wall, I moved in and used his arm as my pillow, my dad "78" stayed up all night telling jokes to anyone that would listen and kept us all and I mean "all" covered up. He is something! Aunt Bevie stayed up all night giggling, while my sister-in-law found her spot next to the computer she looked like some homeless with mattress pads laid here and there on her, and my mom she had one I open making sure we were not messed with, joking! All I have to say is "togetherness" blissful!

I never did really sleep, had to keep check on my honey, he was doing great! About 7:00 we headed on to breakfast.

Called Hospital about 9:30 no change in Frank still sedated and breathing tube still in place, Franks new nurse Matthew stated is was still doing quite well.

From there, thats were you all lost us again, it was time to get a little shut eye, we all needed it, in a REAL BED!

So now back to the man of the hour FRANK.... turning the next blog to Rudy...

I just want to tell you all how deeply touched, and luckly myself and my family is to have all you apart of our lifes, it means ALOT to me. Thank you!

You know I don't know what I would do with out Frank and I know all of you feel the same way. There is something about that boy that touches all of our hearts, thru his personality, personal CLOSE communication that he devotes just to the person he is talking with to the man that can fix anything, if his donor only new what a outstanding person FRANK MASCARO is, but I have a feeling the donor will know because Frank is already talking highly of him or her and will take them for a ride of there life for along time! I love you all! Susan


  1. So happy for your guys, what a wonderful gift! Keeping you and the donor's family in my prayers!!

  2. Susan, Thank you so much for keeping us up-to-date! I just wish we could be there with you. I can't wait for you guys to get home so we can see both of you!! We are just so happy for all of you. We love you!

    Kristy and Kelly

  3. Hey, Frank

    So glad things are going well. I had really good feelings about everything when I talked to you Tuesday. Hope you know that you are in our prayers, but it seems our family has good luck with transplants so I am totally optomistic. Look at Benny. Save some money up because you are going to have to do something really nice for Susan after putting her through all of this excitement. I'm thinking really large diamond!
    I'll call you when Johniann tells me you are up to it. Walt and I may have to come see you this summer just to check on that beautiful new heart.
    Your Dad would be so happy.

    Love You,

    Linda and Walt

  4. Linda thanks for the kind words, Ia'm sure susan completely agrees with you comments! but most of all thanks for thinking of my Dad he has been in thoughts alot. Love you Frank

  5. Frank

    I'm so thrilled at you're recovery and you made my world so much better by calling me this morning. I am so amazed at how well you sounded and can't wait until I get to come see you in St Louis "Hopefully the end of next week"

    John Batliner
