Friday, May 22, 2009

DAY 3 at Barnes Jewish Hospital

Franks new slogan: Foam in, Foam out, Safe for life !

Its 11:35 am and Frank has still been up since 3:30am this morning reading all the wonderful comments on this blog site. This morning was the first time since the surgery he has been able to sit up in a chair and EAT breakfast, (ate half, and doesn’t really have a big appetite at this point).

A girl name Shelby (physical therapist) showed up and we went walking with all my tubes in tow. I say we walked about 400 feet it probably took me 15 minutes and it took more out of me then I thought. That walk was around 10:30 and I'm still spent at 12:45pm.

Dr Nadar M. just left, he said Frank looked drained, he will have the chest tubes removed which will take pressure off my chest and should make his walking easier as well as feel better. They are also removing the (sleeping) urine catheter, you'll probably be able to hear the scream in KC. His first heart biopsy will be next Tuesday or Wednesday, he will have them once a week for month and then monthly. This process tells them how much immunosuppressants medications that is needed.

Jennifer - social worker stopped by with a HUGE goodie bag, one item is a pill box the size TEXAS, other things such as t-shirts, heart pillow (which by the way his pitter patter # is 567, (sleeping) which is the # of heart transplants that have been performed at Barnes Jewish Hospital). Frank said it is his new "pick 3 lottery #'s and to feel free to use them when ever you want to"!

She also stated No buffet food, eat fruits that you can peel and he needs wear a mask for 3 months when out in public (inside joke to Marisa & Nathan thank goodness he went to that seminar on how to wear your mask correctly).

Frank said - Cheers as he put his beauty sleep mask on over his eyes, maybe he will now get some sleep.


  1. Frank your looking good bud. I am so glad to hear the great progress you are making so fast. I love your outfit in your picture. Maybe they will give Susan one and she can walk with you in the halls with one on! Stay strong and remember we are praying for you and the family. God Bless.

    Stan Sales

  2. I am so excited for the Mascaro's // Frank you are one hell of a trooper. God Bless You My Friend !!!

  3. You look great. It is amazing to see you up so fast. Don't forget to pick your drivers if you can.


  4. Frank/Susan - Just got home....Oh My Gosh.......I couldn't believe my eyes....Up for a Walk..................!!!!!!!!!!!
    FRANK YOU LOOK GREAT.....!!!!!!! Keep on keepin' on baby... Hope you get some "shut eye".....and Susan.....Get some Rest. Until later.......
    God Speed

  5. Nothing but love from a few friends in KC. We wish you the best and are praying for a strong recovery!

    Kyle Thomason & Chris Gibbs

  6. Frank & Susan I have not heard from you for a couple of days now. I keep up with all the good news from daily blogs, It was really great to see you going for your first walk.Carla & I are so glad to see you are doing so well,We are also greatfull to be your good friend.Keep getting stronger, I dont think I wood ever go sky diving with you but maybe golf. Love Vito & Carla Travaglianti

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