Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend at home

Hi All,

Well it was great to be home for the weekend. we had a busy weekend. Susan worked way to hard. Friday stayed home, my son Rudy left for the lake, Rosetta & Rudy and Aunt Bevie stopped by later in the day to visit and wipe off all the germs off all handles, that was nice.

On Saturday we ended up in the car most of the day. We went to Overland park to look at some outdoor furniture, when we pulled in the driveway there was a big stone with their name carved in it we were surprise to discover that their name was "BARNES", we just got back from Barnes? So of course we had to buy the furniture. Then off to Lawrence to buy some corals for the reef tank, they were beautiful additions to the aquarium. when we were walking through downtown Lawrence some collage kids seen me walking with my mask, and started yelling SWINE FLUE this did not sit well with Susan and she let them know it, I thought it was kind of funny.

On Sunday we went to mass at St Anthony's and it felt great to be back, we seen many friends and Aunt Josephine P at church. After church we stopped by the wholesale club and ran into Ron O and Shelby, it was good to see them. It's really neat to see the reaction on peoples faces when they see me. All the while we had to be very careful to stay close to a restroom, it seem that my little problem with my stomach is still giving me plenty of problems. I hope I start to get over it soon I don't know how much more my rear end can take. but I'm not complaining because I feel great heart wise. I need to gain some weight I look like one of those starving children from a third world country that you see on TV. My leg are pretty shaky. I guess I need to get walking to build up some new muscle. Saturday night Concetta and Randy stopped buy on there Harley. Last night Lenard O and Joe T came over and had dinner it was good to see them all. Hope everyone had a great weekend as well. keep me in your prayers for a good biopsy result on Thursday when we return to St Louis.




  1. Welcome Back Frank & Susan,
    I've been away from the computer.. some down time, but Sis Lyn kept me updated. Boy, Tears in my eyes this morning when I saw you two at home. I could hardly read the rest of the Blog. God Bless both of you! Glad to see that you are getting out and about, I love the Mask with the smile... Love it... Well, prayers to you and I know those results are going to stay good... Give you a buzz later.. So glad to see you both.. Enjoy this wonderful weather out there on the deck! talk later rozann
    oh see I wasn't kiding about those goodies from Mo. Baking
    Rozann :)

  2. So glad to hear you are going out and about. I also am glad Susan you put those Lawrence kids in there place. That pisses me off the rudeness. Vito and I aniversary is today and we are celebrating our 30th. Going to pierponts tonight. the weather is like it was 30 years ago. How odd is that. Will be thinking of you Thurs. Carla

  3. It's hot and humid in southeastern Arkansas (remember that's where Daddy and Mother were from)...thought I would drop y'all a line to let you know you're still in my thoughts and prayers. I can't believe that people are so rude but you have risen above all of that like you always do. Take care of yourselves and I hope to see you soon. Love, Susie

  4. Congrats on 30 years of marrage Carla and Vito.



  5. And congrats from me also! Did you love Pierponts? Susan the spouse

  6. Be careful on your way to St. Louis. My love and prayers are with you as always. It is a wonderful thing to get everyone praying for a common goal like this...gotta love it. Love you both, Susie

  7. Yes we loved pierponts. The food was delicious. Vito got shrimp and lobster, I got lamb. Union station is such a beautiful building. I remember as a kid going there to get on the train to go visit my grandparents. I am thinking of you both today and will be anxious to hear the GOOD news. Frank, was sorry to hear you werent feeling well last night. You have got to listen to Susan. She has her best interest in you and wants you to recover fast which means you need to do as told by doctors. DONT OVER DUE IT!!!!!!!! Hope to see you soon Carla

  8. Do you two every change? Your both look as young, fit & hot as you did when we all went to Mexico together...and that was YEARS ago!! We are so glad to see that you are both home & doing well. Want to see you but I am helping out a little bit at a daycare center & don't think it would be good for you to see me. Babies have germs you know. Maybe I could just wave to you both from the car! Ha Ha! Please know that we think of you every day & say a prayer to keep you, your family and your heart healthy (I'll say a prayer for your butt too next time). Doug & Tonya
