Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back in St. Louis-everything great so far!

Susan called this afternoon and wanted me to post so that is exactly what I am doing! Yesterday Frank didn't feel good (he is still the King of the Throne) , his left ankle was swollen due to retained water and he also had trouble catching his breath after his 20 minute walk. They were concerned and happy to be traveling to St. Louis today. They arrived in St. Louis about 9:30 this morning to start the tests. So far here are the results:


Dr. Susan Joseph of the transplant group came to see him, walked in and said "How is my Superstar?" Frank just beamed at that statement. She looked at his ankle (which had gotten smaller by today) and said she was not concerned and his ankle looks OK. They then spoke about his stomach problem which she said the he would have to "work through it". That problem is a side effect of one of his medications, she said his body would eventually get used to that chemical in his system and everything would be fine. It is a drug that he will not have to be on forever. Regarding the water around his heart, she said that was "no problem" and is probably due to the fact that his old heart was so enlarged that there is a lot of extra space in there because his new heart is of a normal size. The body tends to fill in cavities with fluid.

Susan said Frank is doing "awesome", he is scheduled to have his catherization today and the results will be available tomorrow. Dr. Joseph told them to go on home and if the cath shows a need to come back, they will let him know when they call with the results tomorrow. Susan thinks they will probably stay the night and save 8 hours of nasty I-70 time just in case they need to return. I think that sounds wise, too!

So Frank continues to dazzle and amaze everyone with not only his charm, but his health!! Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. I will post again when Susan calls me with the cath/biopsy results.


  1. Wonderful news! Prayers are still coming your way! Love to all, Susie

  2. Hey Frank/Susan
    So happy to hear you guys made it home safe.
    Frank - You are amazing.....Still praying for
    you both !!!!!!!
    Love ya

  3. Great news Frank and Susan!! happy to hear a good report!!! Keep doing what you are doing, it is working!!! We are all thinking of you here in, Kim:)

  4. I've been reading these since Susan started posting 'em. Just watching your progress has been increadable. I know you and I don't talk much, but know Deb and I have kept you in our hearts thru all your trials.

    And keep the e-mail jokes coming - it's usually the bright spot of the day down here in the KPAC dungeon....


  5. Frank,
    I have been following your incredible journey from the beginning. Congratulations on the latest test result.
    You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.
    God Bless
    Cindy / Commerce Bank

  6. Frank/Susan
    I'm so glad to hear that Dr. is not worried about the extra fluid. good reading material for the Throne or perhaps a portable DVD that you can watch and pause as you need.. A good comedy while on the two take care.. love and prayers are with you.. by the way... Joe says hi and loved that Susan gave those youngster grief last week while shopping... have a great weekend.
