Monday, June 1, 2009

It's June Already!

Susan writes...

6/1 - Currently, Frank has been a little under the weather since last night. Symptoms: abdominal cramping and hanging out on the the throne, poor guy! He's napped on and off today, he did eat good and now he is reading.

I contacted the doctor today, picked up some medicine, they did make a change to the dosage of one of his anti-rejection medicine. Hopefully these changes will kick in soon to give him some relief.

9:26pm - 6/2 today is the same as yesterday for Frank, schedule for Wednesday 9:00am blood work, echo next and then biopsy in the afternoon. Thursday we should get the results, not unless they tell me something different tomorrow. I just hope there are alot of bathrooms along the way... Me, Off to bed... Frank off to the stool...


  1. Frank/Susan
    Frank - Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling good today. Hope you and Susan have a restful night. Hang in there.
    God Speed

  2. Frank,

    The Sacco family is keeping you in our prayers. Stay strong, we love you!. I just got this blog so I will keep up and leave messages. We missed you and Susan at my daughters party but that just means with you there it is one more day closer to you coming home. Tell my cuz I said hi and to keep staying strong. I think about you everyday and pray too. Your cuz,
    Lynda Jo

  3. Good Morning Frank/Susan:
    So sorry to hear that you, Frank, weren't feeling good and had to stay put on the Thorne! Hopefully you had good reading material there. Well Rest up and take it easy. So hopefully the change of meds will help. Prayers, positive thoughts are still flowing to you, Mr. Miracle Man! Tomorrow will go fine and you will be back to KC soon. Resting and relaxing at the pool, enjoying your own Paradise! Sue, you rest too!
    talk later

  4. It's a good day to be "at home" reading. We're anxious to have you home, my friend. Thank GOD you both have each other! Take good care, my friend. Love, Susie

  5. Hello Frank/Susan
    Well it's been raining "cats and dogs" all day here....Hope you're having better weather.
    Frank - Hope you're feeling better. Check
    in later.

  6. Hello, Hope you are having a better day. I have to share news on another friend. He had lung cancer and was told his chances werent good due to he was in stage 4 which was the worst so could not have surgery. They started chemo and high dose of radiation. He was told today it is all shrinking at fast speed so another miracle. They live in liberty, you might know him, name is Ed weir (members of St. James. Any way I thought you might enjoy his story. Carla T.

  7. Good Morning Frank/Susan
    Hope you had a better night -- Frank I'll be praying for you today -- hang in there - and good luck today w/your test/biopsy. I know everyone is excited for you guys to come home soon..!!!
    God Speed

  8. Frank,
    Hope this message finds the meds helping you make less trips to the commode (-8
    Glad to see that you and Susan are getting out and makeing little side trips in and around st louis. Make sure that when you can, you get up to 'the hill' and have some great italian food! You and Susan are in my and Mary's thoughts and prayers each and every day. Keep getting stronger, I will keep a day open for us to chase the little white ball sometime in the not so distant future! Randy Tostenson

  9. Having good thoughts for you guys. Today is test day (I think) and were wishing great results. Do good, stay happy and positive, rest well, eat well and above all stay off the pot!! Hurry home, we all miss you.
    Frank and Kris

  10. Hi Guys, I'm sure today was a long day with all the appointments. Hope you are feeling better Frank. We've been praying today for great news with your biopsy and relief from the throne! Can't wait until you two are on your way home to KC. Take care and hope you have a peaceful and restful evening.
    Love ya, Anthony and Shannon

  11. Still reading your posts daily so keep it up! We never get bored with them. Please bring home like a truck full of Imo's Pizza with you. I don't know what is wrong with the KC people around here not liking Imo's but they can't stay in business. There is one on every corner in StL. We have to drive down to Westport to get our fix!
    Hope you get great numbers with the biopsy, let us know ASAP!

  12. Hi Angie, I think Susan and I went by the original on the hill today and was saying that we had one in westport but we didnt know if it was the same place.I guess you answered our question.

  13. Frank, I agree with Angie, however 2 truck loads would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to here you are doing well. We are praying for you.

    Kelly & Kristy
