Thursday, June 4, 2009

on our way home

Hi all.

Well the biopsy results came back as a 1b same as last week, not great but not rejecting so that's good. they have increased one of my anti rejection meds but told me I can return to KC. so Susan and I are packing our bags and coming home tonight. I have to return to St Louis next Thursday for my next biopsy so keep your fingers crossed that the change in meds help the biopsy results. see you all soon. thanks for all your love, prayers and thoughts
they have meant the world to me.




  1. Hi Frank! I wish your biopsy results were a little more positive but I know things will get better for you. So glad you're going home for a few days. It will do you both a world of good. Please know that I continue to hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers every day.

    Keep blogging!



  2. Woo hoo! I believe and have total faith that those numbers will come right on up, Frank...once you get home among others that do love you and Susan so very, very much. God speed and I'm sure y'all will be careful! ;-) Much love, Susie

  3. welcome home Frank!!!!!and you too Susan!What a great day this is .I am going to have to celebrate in your honor.Hope your drive home was super.Al and I will call you tomorrow.


  4. that is fabulous news frank!!! have a safe trip home!!! love, kim miller

  5. "Yippee"......!!!!! Frank and Susan are coming home....Frank and Susan are coming home....Frank and Susan are coming home......."Yippee".....!!!!!!!!!!!

    Be Safe !!!!!!!
    Love ya

  6. Well, Since you are coming home at night I guess the parade wont work!! Darn it, you did that on purpose didnt you!! I am so happy for you both that you are getting to come home. Theres no place like HOME!!!!! It will feel so good to be in your own bed tonight. Hope you have a good night sleep. Please be carefull and will keep you in our continued prayers. Carla

  7. Glad you are home!I have finally learned how to blog now. Sorry! I'm so old school...been just e-mailing you Susan. Our prayers and thoughts are with both of you on this journey. I know you enjoyed sleeping in your own bed last night and waking up this morning in your own house. Enjoy this beautiful day. Brenda Richmond

  8. Home! The best medicine for you right now has to be home sweet home. So happy for you!
    We love you,
    Anthony and Shannon

  9. I'm glad to see you are coming home. I have been in San Jose, Ca for the past week working for AMC, so I have not been able to check your blog. I'm coming home on Sat. I'll call you when after I get back, have a safe drive home.

