Friday, June 12, 2009

Results from Biopsy

Received the call about 4:30pm from Theresa, Our Transplant Coordinator, the biopsy came back a 1b.

The doctors increased one the anti-rejection drugs , left ankle is still swollen as well as my left calf hurts when I walk. Echo came out fine, but I had a little fluid around the heart which might be making me feel fatigue, short of breath (don't let him fool you its all that talking on his phone that he does or running back and forth to the throne).

Good news is that we don't have to drive back to St. Louis till Wednesday for the next biopsy which will be done thru the leg, because the doctor still had a hard time going thru the neck.

With all that being said, Dr. Joseph still thinks I'm a Superstar! (Sleeping) Good Night All...

Frank & Susan


  1. Hey Frank/Susan
    Thx for posting the results......Hey....As long as you are "STILL" a "SuperStar"....that's all that really matters. You guys have a good one.
    Still praying for you...
    Love ya

  2. To the are still in my prayers for a fast recovery. You're well on your way. Take care...Susie

  3. Frank

    Joe Welsh in Nashville here. We share the same Aunt Beverly! She has kept me abreast of your heart issues the past few years and just this morning told me of your miraculous surgery! My wife Margaret and I are both sending good vibes from Muzak City.

    I remember going to your house when we were very young. You or your sister had the absolute coolest toy... a Coke Fountain! I was in awe! That had to be the coolest toy I had ever seen. I was so jealous...

    Anyways, we're glad to hear the transplant has gone so well. When you're up to it drop me a line and we can catch up in detail. My email is:

    Again, you and Susan and your whole family are in our prayers.

    My very best to all of you.

    Joe Welsh

  4. Hi Frank!

    I am glad to hear from Sue that you are doing better! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Couldn't you have gotten the transplant in Chicago so I could see you guys??? Ha Ha! I may be down for a visit this summer so I'm gonna come see you! I am giving you a great big hug right now-can you feel it?

    Love You guys-take care!

