Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Numbers day - A Busy 8th Day!

Well its been one week since this miracle started and I can't believe how far I have come in such a short time. This started for me in early January when Dr Berenbom suggested we look into transplant. on Feb 3rd I was seen at Barns for the first time just to say I might be a candidate for transplant. on march 18 I was put on the list for transplant on a level 2 basis behind thousands of people already on the list. On April 23rd My birthday I was elevated from a level 2 to level 1B. What a birthday gift. and on May 19 I was called to receive this wonderful miracle. today I will go for my first biopsy and it happens to be my fathers birthday today. My pitter patter number[number of people that have had heart transplants at Barns] is 567 the same number used for my mothers security code, I can't believe all this has taken place in just 5 short months. it had to be FATE


Frank Mascaro

Susan writes:

2:15 biopsy test, he should be back in a couple hours. They are going to release him tomorrow morning, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, heart transplant, its amazing, he's amazing. Joan, one of our transplant coordinator, thinks we will get the result back Friday (if sooner you know I will post). The next biopsy is next Weds, so we will be staying till thursday of next week. If that goes well, we will head home and then the next biopsy will be scheduled 12 days later on a Monday.

Today the following people have came to explain what needs to be done after he is discharged; dietitian, pharmacy (learn his meds), diabetes (he will not have to take insulin when he leaves, but will have to check sugar level), Theresa and Joan Heart transplant coordinator, and Jennifer are social worker who have been angels to us.

The other visit we had was from Ken, a wealth of knowledge. Ken is a mentor for the Heart Transplant Association, his pitter patter # 279, he was on the waiting list for 13 months and yesterday was his 13 birthday for his heart. When Ken walked in to the room he introduced himself, Frank stood up, put out his hand to shake his hand and Ken did not exchange the shake. First most important lesson he said, the first year is to stay away from GERMS, no shaking hands, kissing, hugging. This will be very hard for Frank when he see you all again. But when Ken left he stood and told Frank now in a year you can do this, he reached over and gave me a big long hug, told Frank his day would come soon and he can hug on all the girls. Girls I will be keeping a eye on you. You know I will have to watch that young STRONG heart :)


  1. Hi Frank
    We are thinking and praying that the Biopsy brings good results. I have a strong feeling it will be good. Mona and Tony called last night for an update on you. Their computer is in the shop and they cant check the blog. Everyday lots of people here at Commerce Bank ask me about your progress so you have lots of good thoughts and energy coming your way. Call me when you are feeling up to it after the test is over with. Vince should be home later this week and I am sure he will be leaving you messages (you know what a writer that kid is!) I dont think he has connections being out in the wilderness at all those national parks. I can hardly get ahold of him on the phone either. Take care Love Johniann

  2. Hi Frank,

    I have been keeping up with the news every day and couldn't be more pleased to hear how things have been going. As you said, it must have been meant to be. Take care and remember we are all praying for you and thinking about you every day. Love, Julie and the Guays

  3. Frank:

    Congratulations Frank!

    With prayers,

    Father Joe Cisetti

  4. Good Morning Frank & Susan:
    Just want you to know that every time I woke up last night (which seems to be more often now that I'm in middle age) I said a prayer for today for your Biopsy. I do have faith that it will go well. So with all the prayers and positives being sent everything will be great! I do believe we are connected by Fate or miracles whatever you want to call it. Joe is not computer savvy but is constantly asking if I've checked on your Blog, and how you and Susan are doing! Both of you rest and our prayers are with you! And again, thanks for the Blog. We feel like we're right there with you both
    Rozann :)


  5. Happy 1 week birthday Frank you are awesome!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you and Susan. On a side note I haven't seen Fryes swingset but I am sure it would put Worlds of Fun to shame. Have a Great Day!!!!!!

    Thinking of you,
    Kelly & Kristy

  6. Frank,
    All the family is praying for you. You will have Good news today about your biopsy. I belive the numbers you see are a sign. It's all good. I vaule your friendship as it is one that brought great joy in my life as a kid and tales of our friendship at that time make me smile today. We see so little of friends in the past it is good to know God blessed you in this way. One more thing I recall that the last year we played ball that you could hold my pads and yours and still not weigh 120lbs. You almost did the game that the ball was floating aroung on the field and we were covered from head to toe mud. So my point is you always had a lot of heart and a lot of soul. Keep both positive and smile... It always works for me.

    Your friend


  7. Frank Mascaro...I can't believe the adventure you have been on the past few months! I am an organ donor and it's incidents or occasions like yours that make me soooo proud that I made that decision. You are such a great person and have such a wonderful family that it would have been hard to get through life without you in it. I think everyone feels blessed that you received the best gift ever given when you did! I want to let You, Susan, and the boys know that I am praying for all of you and keep you all in my prayers every night! On a lighter note, I am sorry to hear you can't swim this summer, but at least it's only this summer and not forever! :) I hope you have a great day today and hopefully if you are feeling up to it we will see you at the wedding!

    Take Care,

    Michelle McCubbin (Lakebrink)

  8. I am absolutely amazed that Frank will be released tomorrow. Susan, Frank is amazing but you are as well. I love you both and can't stop thinking and praying for you two. I have told everyone I know and don't know for that matter about your story. There are not that many people out there that know someone who has had a heart transplant, in fact, I haven't come across anyone who has! You are special indeed Frank. I get the whole GERM thing so it will sure be hard not to hug you. We will have to tie Anthony up! You know how mushy that guy is!
    I read Carl's blog today - I do work, I swear! He is a great kid with a great girlfriend and a great job! You must be so proud and miss him more than I can imagine. It was fun getting a few blog messages from Rudy - his personality comes through loud and clear. What a beautiful family! Love you and thinking of you always, Shannon

  9. Hi Frank. I can't believe you are being released tomorrow, that is wonderful news! This is absolutely a miracle that you get this second chance at life! We know what it is like to have someone taken from us way too early in life. I can't think of a better person to receive this gift from God, then you. When you are feeling better, we need to get together. Take care.
    The Denti Family

  10. Frank & Susan,
    What an incredible journey! So thankful we could share the way on this wonderful blog. Stephanie did a great job!!! Good luck as you get packed and on your way. All our prayers and thoughts will be with you.
    Kathleen & Anthony
    Aunt Marie

  11. Frank & Susan,
    It sound's as though things are moving along at rapid pace and going extremely well.I am sure that everything seems like a big whirlwind to you with everything that has happened in the past week. We think about and pray for you both. I am sure that you will feel a little more relaxed when you get home and are able to chase the geese from your yard.Take care of yourselves. Mom and Dad say hey and their thoughts are with you. Pat & Christi Lewis

  12. Hi Frank -- Just wanted to let you know that you've been in our thoughts and prayers every single day. Scott talks to Eduardo every day to get updates. Sounds like you're doing extremely well. We're SO-o-o-o thankful. Hi to Susan as well. You are truly a Guardian Angel . . . Frank is so very lucky to have you by his side. Frank, you are such an inspiration to everyone who knows you. Hugs and kisses to both of you. If there's ANYTHING we can do for you on our end, just please let us know. In the meantime, we're praying like crazy!! :) Lots of love. Scott and Patty Faye

  13. Good Evening Frank/Susan
    Wow -- interesting read about Ken. Makes Sense though. Hope you guys are doing well this evening. Frank - I know deep in my heart that your results from your biopsy will be fine. You are both in our prayers!
    God Speed

  14. Hey guys just finished talking with Aunt Rosetta getting the latest and can't believe that you will be coming home soon..who knew! Medicine has come such a long way. Was showing your blog to the girls at work today and one of them said they thought you both were a pretty hot couple. (Don't go getting big heads) I share your story with everyone I know because it is such story to tell. Keep up the good progress...and stay off those cankles!
    LOL Donnie & Cindy

  15. Susie Friedman-HodsonMay 27, 2009 at 9:19 PM

    Aren't prayers a wonderful thing? We continue to say a lot of our prayers at school for you, Frank (and at home too - every time I think of you and Susan, I say a prayer - and they're being answered). It's truly amazing that you're so close to coming home!

    Take care and sleep well my dear friend (you too Susan...Frank needs his soulmate). Love to you both, Susie

  16. Hey guy's it's me again and after reading all the above comments I guess I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. Iv'e been saying all along that you are starting your "new" life together and the first biopsy is just another hurdle you will get through. And then the next and the next and before you know it you'll be cruising, swiming and most improtant hugging all your friends and you have soooooo many. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon and I'm sure you cant wait to get home. We cant either.
    Love you guys
    Frank M

  17. Good night Susan

    Love Frank

  18. Frank/Susan -
    Have a good night and hope you "BOTH" get some
    rest !!!!
    Love Ya
    God Speed

  19. Susan --- Get Off The Phone - You need your

    Love ya

  20. Okay everyone, I'm going to bed, you mother hens!

  21. Okay -- Susan -- I may be a Hen....but I'm
    not a "Mother Hen"....

    Love Ya

  22. Susie Friedman-HodsonMay 28, 2009 at 1:56 AM

    This mother hen feels so old (shup Frank - I know you're still bragging about Father John thinking I was older than you)! I crashed right after I got home from graduation and can't get back to sleep so of course I had to check the blog. I hope to join y'all in Zzzzz land before I have to get up and start a new day. G'nite all. Sweet dreams and angels on your pillows. Frank, if you're up reading this, take a pill and go to bed! ;-) Love ya, Susie

  23. Frank, I'm glad to see you're doing so well.

    Susan, please change the security code for Frank's mom (since Frank told the world what it is). Love Phil

  24. Oh my gosh! We can't believe it! What a Miricle!
    We hope you feel as good as you look!(saw the picture of you walking down the hospital hall with the eye mask and sexy legs, pulling your equipment) Congratulations on your new life!
    Our toughts and prayers are with you!
    Thanks to this blog we can keep up on your progress!
    David and Anita
