Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I just spoke with Susan, the donor heart will arrive at 11:30pm and Frank should be out of surgery by 4:30am. She said he was in good spirits and she promised to update me in the morning. Also, her mom and dad had just arrived at the hospital. Keep the faith!


  1. Hi Frank, Susan and boys this is Carolyn. I have been praying for all of you and for the donors family. I just talked to Aunt Bev and Johnni Ann and was so glad to hear you are doing great. They told me about your blog and I had to visit and let you know I love you guys and will be praying for you. I will check in every day to keep up on your progress.

  2. Hey Frank and Susan,
    It is 10:10pm Sunday night and just talked to your mom and she filled me in on todays news. Keep up the good work and keep that poem handy. I had reallllllll trouble getting throgh it.
    Sending love and prayers.
    Jo Marie
