Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 7 - May 26th

Only excitement of the night was: Frank woke up, looked at the clock, was so excited he had slept till 6:10am. After reading "the blog" he looked down and noticed it was only 1:30AM, NOT SO HAPPY then. (Had those little arms turned around)

Frank thinks today is going to be real busy with doctors, social worker visits and test. He is not allow to eat or drink right now, not sure when they will be taking him for the echo test.

I will come back to this post and keep you updated with the progress. Susan

5:30 PM Hi all just wanted to let everyone know that I went for an Ecco Ultasound of my new heart today. The results are in and the nursing staff has told me that they look Great. My ejection fraction is 55-70% witch are the numbers for a normal healthy heart. All the valves are working great and the timeing between the right and left sides are fine. Tomorrow I will have my first heart biopsy, this is a major hurdel it test for any sign of regection.Please keep me in your prayers. I will have these biopsys each week for the first month and then bimonthly for the next six. Thanks for all your support I can't express how much it means to Susan and I.

Cheers Frank


  1. Good Morning Frank/Susan --
    Sounds like you had a good night with the exception of "sleeping"......Hope you studied for your echo test today..(ha ha)...seriously Frank - hope you have a great day - I'll be praying for you -- Susan -- GET SOME REST!!! - Til Later....
    God Speed

  2. Hi Concetta, I must say that you are my most loyal bloger, I look forward to hearing from you at any time, I'm glad you are comming up to see Susan and I soon.thanks for all your support.


  3. Hi Frank and Susan,
    Just wanted you both to know that I have been praying for you. I really am glad about this blog so I know how you are doing. I hope today is a good day. Sending good wishes your way.
    Vicki and Jim Mirabile

  4. Sending special prayers from the children at Holy Cross. Thanks for keeping us posted. I hate it when that happens...you think it's late and you get up and read blogs or play computer games and you look down at the clock and it's at least three hours earlier (in your case five OMG) than you thought it was. Ironically, it happened to me this morning as well. Have a good day and keep us posted. Susan, I hope you get a chance to go to The Hill. I've been there and although it's not as good as homemade, it'll work! ;-) Love to you both, Susie

  5. I can't wait to go snow sking with Angi Frye.


  6. Hi Susie,
    Im putting you up there with Concetta on my top blogger list. Thank for thinking of me so often.


  7. Hey Frank -- Thx for the kind words.....
    Hope your having a Good Day.....!!!!!
    Blog later --- SUSAN GET SOME REST....!!!!
    God Speed
    (P.S....Susan...I know I sound like an ole' hag).......

  8. Hey Frank whats up sounds like you need to get a digital watch , I still cant tell time either . Hope your busy day is going good and all is well .How is your food ordering working out ?When can Susan bring you something good ?All at MOE are enjoying your blog and are glad to hear of your progress.I have a few tee times already set up just need to know if the women are invited.Have a great day and will check in later


  9. Thanks Frank, finally we get to snow ski!!! I was getting worried there for a minute! Sleeping in a hospital is not fun, my last 2 experiences have been them bringing in a baby to nurse every two hours, at least you don't have to do that.
    I will be waiting to see how your echo works out today, hopefully we will know some answers.


  10. Hi Frank! So glad to see the picture of you walking down the hallway. You look great! Love the smile. Just wanted you to know that I continue to think of you and pray for your steady recovery. I want to send you some books so you'll have something to read when you wake up in the middle of the night. Are you up for that yet? Maybe not. I have several in mind for you though. When you're ready, let me know. Right now I'm reading one called The Shack. All I can say is Wow. It's got me thinking. I've got a feeling you'd enjoy it as well. Be good and just let yourself heal. Love this blog. I'll check in again later.

    Talk soon.


  11. Ron, We better be invited, us WOMEN! I went to that sandwich shop on the hill today (the one the crepe guy talked about),brought frank a meatball sandwich back a MILE long!

    Yes cetta, I will rest...

    Angie - what about me, I guess JFrye will have to get stuck skiing with me.

  12. Susan-you're a given, you are always there!!! I had so much fun skiing with you and Rudy in Breck. Let's leave J Frye at home!

    I just did EPA reports and it said something about medical leave-what's up with that! HA HA!!


  13. Hi Frank and Susan,

    Keeping up with your daily updates on the blog and through Rosetta and Rudy. Very happy to hear you're doing so well, and told Susan yesterday to watch out! She's got a young man! Love you guys and praying for you everyday. Keep it up!


  14. Hey there Frank and Susan been out of town but thought about you both all week. Its amazing how fast everything happened.Ron kept me posted all week, and I got your message late last night. I can not even begin to understand what you two have been thru the last week. You are both amazing. We Love yu and will se yu soon.

  15. Susie Friedman-HodsonMay 26, 2009 at 5:34 PM

    Frank I'm truly honored. I remember Concetta but I'm not quite sure she remembers me. I just called John Brocato and I'm sure he'll be posting soon. Your recovery is a miracle in progress. I just know you're getting better everyday...thanks to Susan, Carl John & Rudy, Johniann, and your many, many friends and all of our prayers. Take care and I'll talk to you both soon! Love, Susie

  16. Today's results are great and were hoping for the same tommorrow. Keep this up and you can start working on that 2 handicap in no time. Ya right!!
    Frank M.

  17. Hello Frank/Susan ----
    So Frank ....How was that meatball sandwich ??? Sounds Great --!! Hope you and Susan are having a good evening...Okay-I have to admit...I'm at a loss as to remembering Susie....Okay - give me a hint....Frank I've seen comments on here regarding your golf games....I gotta tell ya....I've tried that sport...I've gotten so frustrated at times I just pick up the golf ball and throw it....guess I won't be playing with you.....(ha ha) - Okay -- that's how I play golf.....
    Have a good evening -- blog later - Frank hope you get some sleep ...and yes...Susan..get your
    God Speed

  18. Hi Frank & Susan
    we will keep you in our prayers tonight. I hope you get a great night sleep. You know to call me if your awake at 5:45 if you are bored. Research your drivers it is at Dover this weekend.


  19. Frank/Susan,
    I am loving this blog! I've been checking it all day to see how everthing is going. I love the updates. I've even got it on my courtroom computer so when it slows down one click and there it is. Love the food on the Hill. Did you get any of those cookies??? Got to try them. Prayers are with you.
    Rozann :)

  20. Can't tell you how happy we are to here the echo went well. Just know the biopsy is going to only give you good news. Can't believe how much you remind me of our fathers. They must be so happy over your new heart. Keep up the good work.


    Linda Walt

  21. Frank,
    Just came in and had a minute before I went to bed...Baron and Bentley got a new swing set/play yard/big enough for the whole neighborhood...You know the Frye's - go big or go home! Anyway, so glad to hear the echo cardiogram went well, will be waiting probably not so patiently to hear about the biopsy. I am familiar with the terms that you are using and remembering all the talks we had about your OLD sickness that I can kind of follow the results!
    Hope you have a good night's rest and in the words of Bentley "Nigh Nigh"

  22. Frank
    I am so glad to hear you are doing great. I will be keeping you in my prayers as you wait for your tests. Keep up the positive attitude. Make sure Susan gets some rest :)

    Please let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do for you guys. Dawn and I have being doing just "okay". We are having fun but I am sure we would be having a BLAST if you were with us. Keep Mr. Frank in good spirits! Can't wait to see you guys.

  23. Frank & Susan,
    I just want to tell you guys how happy it makes me to hear everyone talk about how much they like the blog! It really makes me feel like I am doing something to help out. I am also absolutely overjoyed regarding your progress, it's like a dream, isn't it?

  24. Susie Friedman-HodsonMay 26, 2009 at 10:41 PM

    Concetta, if you're the same one I'm thinking of hun, you have a younger sister named Nina who's my age, a twin sister named Rosie and you and Johniann used to hang around together. If my memory serves me right, Robin Harkrider hung around y'all as well. I was the bratty blonde across the street...jealous because I was never invited and not Italian LOL. If you're not that Concetta, my apologies...you know how ASSumptions are. ;-)

  25. Susie Friedman-HodsonMay 26, 2009 at 10:46 PM

    Frank, it sounds like each day you're getting better! That's great music to this musician's ears. The Eighth Graders will be graduating from Holy Cross tomorrow night. I'm sure Father Joe will corner me to see how you're doing. Susan, you're just as amazing as your soulmate. PLEASE make sure you're getting your rest so you can both come home safe, well and sound. Love to you both...the word of the day is SLEEP...Susie

  26. Hello there guys -

    Wanted to check on your progress before I headed off to bed. You two make me laugh when I think I should be worrying. The whole watch thing was great and at lunch we talked about Frank's "cankles"...

  27. Frank-
    Great to hear the good news on your tests! Glad to hear that our prayers are doing many miraculous things! Hope you get a digital clock in your room so you won't get lost in time. heehee...
    Susan dear - take care of yourself too! Love to you both!
    Patti M.

  28. Good morning Frank and Susan. Hope you guys got some rest last night and are ready for todays test. I know that everything is going to be great and am sending all my positive thoughts to you.
    Tell Stephanie that this blog is the very best as so many people have come to rely on it for the latests updates. She should be on your Christmas list. Hell I think I'm going to put her on mine.
    Good luck today and know that everyone is praying and thinking of you both.
    Frank M.

  29. Great news Frank all my prayers are with you Old friend.


  30. Suzie, Thanks for being apart of the blog everyday, just like you have been apart of the Mascaro's everyday of your childhood life living across the street from them. I know that had to be a treat for them as well as you. Here I go again with the food, wasn't MAMAW fried chicken the best! P.S. This cetta on the blog is not the same cetta you are thinking about.
