Thursday, July 2, 2009

My biopsy results

Hi all, Well the results are in from my biopsy on Tuesday and they came back a 1A so all is going great. I have really started to feel a lot stronger this last week. Yesterday I felt a little fatigued. but maybe that was from the biopsy. I have noticed that the days I feel a little week are the days that I seem to retain fluids in my ankles, I guess the extra water just sloes me down. but I'm not complaining I can't compare the way I feel before and after the transplant, its like night and day. Unfortunately when we got back from St Louis our pool had turned green so I have been trying to get it in shape for the forth, I think I have got it going in the right direction now, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't walk in the pool when we got home, maybe tomorrow. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. and please keep my Donner family in your prayers as well.




  1. Tim said you look AMAZING when he brought Molly home!! I am glad you are getting the pool back in shape. Talk to you soon!

  2. Hey Frank===
    A1 --- Looking Good....!!!!!!Hope you get your pool under control....(ha ha)....Hey -- and you might want to keep this blog updated....(ha ha)
    You guys are still in my prayers.
    Love ya

  3. Hey Frank,

    We're glad to hear that you are doing well!! Sorry to hear about your pool, I'm sure you will have it up and running by the fourth. Hope you have a great 4th of July!! Let me know if you need anything, you are in my thoughts and prayers
    Lonnie and Carolyn

  4. Hi Frank and Susan,
    I was so happy to hear the good news. I pray for all of you daily. I plan to come out and see you sometime this summer. Have a great fourth of July!!!
